Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tamale and Double Double Coupon Day

I started making my tamale meat and broth yesterday. I found this really informative website on how to make them.
I have always wanted to try and do it myself. If you go and buy them at the store you can pay up to $10.00 for a dozen. I got all my ingredients and a whole fresh chicken and a pork roast at a local Hispanic store. It's named El Rey. The store has been around for a long time and is in the heart of the Hispanic community. I love going there! I did have to buy a lot of spices so my bill was about $30.00 for the meat, MaSeCa, and spices.

Last night I started making the meat. While I was a work I threw the pork roast into the crock pot. Then when I got home I threw the chicken in boiling water for about 2 hours. I removed the chicken from the stock and cooled down the stock. Once the chicken and pork were cooled I shreded them and added the spices and oil. I let that sit over night.
Today I soaked the corn husks when I was at the grocery store. I spent $48.31 and saved $46.01. I also got a free Kellogg's Honey Smacks bag.

Now back to the tamale making! I had the husks soaking when I went to the store. I came home and drained them on paper towels.
Then came the fun part mixing the Masa and filling the tamales!

a ton of masa

 It took me about a hour and half. I lost track of how many I made. But let's just say it's a lot!

The bad news is the steamer wouldn't fit in my stock pot. So I had to improvise and wrap everything with tin foil and place on top of the stock pot. The tamales are cooking now. I will post a pic later of how they look.
some of the 4 dozen tamales

the finished product

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